



  1. Query Builder
    1. General
    2. How to Use
    1. General
      1. Query Structure
      2. Destinations
      3. Playlist Types
    2. Authentication
    3. Backup
    4. Analyze
    5. Generate
    6. Query Parameters
  3. Privacy

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Query Builder


The Query Builder is a graphical Interface that can be used to simplify the Access to the REST-API described below. It is accessible to any logged in User directly on the Main Page

How to Use

  1. Log In if not already logged in
  2. Select Playlist by either entering the Playlist ID or URI or use the quick selection Box below. The quick selection lets you select from your playlists and automatically grabs the id of that playlist
  3. Select what to do with the Playlist. Currently there are three options: Backup, Analyze or Export
  4. Select the format/location of the output. On actions that give back spotify tracks like Backup or Generate you can choose to redirect them back to Spotify
  5. (Optional) select additional options like an input limit or to reverse the order of the tracks or to shuffle them
  6. Hit the "Launch! 🚀" Button below your generated URL! If this is still greyed out there might be a playlist id, action or output type still missing



Query Structure

A query consists out of three parts:

  1. Action (Backup, Analyze etc.).
  2. Destination (Spotify, JSON, CSV)
  3. Playlist Identifier. See more at Playlist Types.
Query Format:

Destination Types

The Destination type defines the data-type an action should return.
Destinations supported by all actions:

Action specific Destination types:

Playlist Types

There are three types of arguments you can supply to the playlist part of a query.
These are:

  1. recent:
    Uses your 50 most recently played songs.
  2. saved:
    Uses your "liked/saved" songs.
  3. :playlist: Uses the Spotify Playlist with the said ID or URI. (e.g. 37i9dQZF1DWUKPeBypcpcP or spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DWUKPeBypcpcP)


There are two ways to provide authentication:

  1. Authenticating via the Log-In Button on this page or below:

    The authentication is stored in your browsers cookies and is renewed automatically if it expires.

  2. Supplying a token via the query parameter token.
    This can be useful if you're in an environment where you are not able to store cookies locally for example in an embedded context. You can generate a token/view your token at


Collects the songs from the supplied playlist and depending on the destination type creates a new playlist or returns them in a file format.


Analyzes the tracks on specific audio features like dancability, tempo, mode or acousticness and returns them in the requested format.


Generates recommendations based on the supplied playlist. The amount of recommendations to generate is controlled by the query parameter amount. The amount defaults to 50 and the maximum amount of recommendations to generate is 1000.

Query Parameters


Used to authenticate without cookies. For more Information see Token.


Used to define the maximum amount of retrieved tracks.
Default: 50 Max: 2500


Reverses the track order.
Default: false


Shuffles your supplied playlist before further processing.
Default: false


Removes duplicates.
Note: Can reduce a playlists length significantly when used with the Generate action on outputs amounts higher than 100 songs.
Default: false


We don't store any data or logs about the logged in user or the processed data on the servers side. All authentication and identification data is stored inside your browser and is sent over an encrypted SSL Connection on each request you make to the Server.

Stored Cookies

Name Expires Purpose
access_token 30 minutes The token used to access the Spotify API in your name.
refresh_token 1 year The token used to refresh the temporary access token.
user_id 1 year Your Spotify User ID, used to add songs to your playlists if you requested to do so.
user_name 1 year Your name as stored on spotify, so I can display the greeting message on the main page.
theme 999 days Your theme selection for this app.

To delete all data that has been stored, simply delete your cookies and cache for this page.

If you have any further concerns feel free to take a look at the sourcecode of this App on or send me a mail at [email protected].

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